Artist Statement


Through my work I explore the tenuous state of the environment by focusing on specific native New England plants that are undervalued or endangered because of human interference. American native plants are traditionally undervalued, though they are scientifically proven to be better for their local ecosystems. Through my practice of metalsmithing, I am commemorating plants native to New England through a wearable jewelry format. It is my belief that humanity’s willful ignorance has nearly damaged these ecosystems beyond repair, therefore translating these plants into jewelry that is appealing to wear, the work facilitates a discussion through the interactions people have about adornment. 

This work is meant to inform people about issues facing the natural world, such as climate change and uncontrollable invasives. Understandably, this will not solve the problem. My work presents the viewer with information that steers the viewer in the right direction of inquiry and action. Discussion and the sharing of information are an important part of human societies. One of the largest issues preventing the improvement of our environment is general human ignorance that allows people to continue behaviors that actively harm the world around us. This work educates by providing people with images of native New England  plants that provide a viable option for improving the sustainability of local environments and a beautiful addition to any garden in New England.


All rights reserved © Rebecca Richards